(she/her) Growing up as a Black disabled female, music has always played a crucial role in shaping my identity and experiences. It provided me with comfort and empowerment through lyrics and rhythms that spoke to my struggles and triumphs. This deep connection to music has inspired me to use my lived experience and my passion […]

Rebecca Buckley

(she/her) Rebecca Buckley is a neurodivergent, d/deaf anti-disciplinary creative researcher, writer, visual artist, creative facilitator and accessibility activist. In her creative practice Rebecca works across multiple disciplines, spanning sculpture, painting, print-making, soundscapes, film, metalwork, creative walking and writing – including poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction and screenwriting. Rebecca is developing a project responding to accessibility challenges […]

Nix Nugent

(she/they/her/them) Nix Nugent is a multi-disciplinary artist whose work spans music, activism, and writing. Their album Retrograde, produced with Gareth Thomas, blends genres like drum and bass, folk, and parody, showcasing their diverse sound. Their song “Lockdown” supports NHS staff, with proceeds donated to a Nurses’ Charity. Nix also composes for projects such as Boudica […]

Janah Smith

A vaguely rounded arrangement of organised chaos drawn in a carnal red ink. Sharp angles and curves, and hundreds of strange shapes interconnected and interposed like a block of complex machinery. An assortment of strange eyes camouflaged within the puzzle. A narrowed, suspicious eye looks over the top left corner, next to a thick, dripping substance. At the bottom right, a satellite signalling towards an unusual hourglass. A horseshoe magnet in the bottom left, jutting out at odd angles beneath what resembles a comb or a UFO, besides a host of arrows. Spikes, TV aerials, pendulums and symbols. Grid lines, arrows and measurement markers, motifs from scientific diagrams. Test tubes, archways, pipes and conveyor belts. Floating dots and day shapes, spare parts and geometric contraptions. Nothing is quite what it resembles.

(she/her) I am a 21 year old BA Global Creative Industries student with a passion for community arts. I am a creative at heart and love all kinds of artistic expression, with my main practice being creative writing. You will often find me out in nature with a journal, guitar, and a bag full of […]

Emily Georghiou

Neon Pink, Coral, Orange, Green and White Acrylic Paints on White Canvas Fingers of coral and orange extend from the top left of the painting in a downwards curve across the canvas. The colours around the edges of this painting are pastel and opaque, becoming more vivid towards the centre - which is highlighted with neon pink, yellow and green. There is a thread of lightness that scrawls over the top of the image. 

(she/her) Emily is a lifelong advocate for disability rights, equity, rights, social justice and inclusion. Drawing on her own lived experience – inner city Bristol upbringing, daughter of a refugee, a woman with hidden disabilities and young children – Emily brings a passion for change to her professional life. Educated at Ruskin College (Oxford), Hull […]

Cass Love

(they/them) I am a multidisciplinary artist and writer working across live performance, literature and film. My work explores themes of mental health, sexual politics and sex work from a queer, neurodivergent perspective.I co-devised and performed in the critically-acclaimed Sex Worker’s Opera during UK and international tours over a ten year period, and my solo theatre […]

Be Zilberman

(they/them) I’m a non-binary autistic filmmaker from Brazil, doing my Masters in Documentary Filmmaking. I’m also a drag queen and a circus artist. I’m currently doing a short film about queer neurodivergent experiences. Drag Scene With captions Audio description Be sits cross legged, they have short curly hair that is pinned away from their face. […]

Arti Dillon

Black background with a red smoke cloud coming from the word “capitalism” which is upright and yellow in the bottom right of the image. The smoke cloud extends up and fills a large portion of the right of the image.  In the red smoke the words “I See Red Mourning Raging Rising... With us at the wheel Kicking out all shades of blues We don't forget I See Red.” The smoke is surrounded by 6 blocks of text, 5 of them within red or white outlined boxes.  Top left, in a red outlined box  “I See Red When you keep lying And the wounds of us are hidden Till there's nothing left Just ‘Specials’ of the day Served on a bed of, Let us be grateful they didn’t come for us, this time. I’ve been bleeding again Like a... 99 red tampons and 10 towels just in case With black trousers mourning real youngs lost. Stolen And period pants, it is, Though not all. I’m bleeding again As I scratch myself awake, to sleep You can always say, I did it to myself But I’m calling time, On this gaslighting, Lighting gas.” Next to that and covering a little of the red smoke is  “I See Red, Because you didn't give us a chance You stacked the cards against us Like fools, we’ve been played. I See Red, Because you planned this in advance I See Red As you laid to rest the blame On the ashes of those who struggled” On the right of the image, text not in a box  “I see a red mist from the sewers of us you created Slip into the engines of your polished presentations and your unthinking tanks I See Red. Cutting through collusion And held like Hawker Hunter engine parts that didn’t make their way to Chile Held back, In our own backyards. We can.“ Half way down the page on the left is a red outlined box  “I See Red, and struggle to breathe I See Red, can hardly speak, I seathe I See Red splattered around the walls, the wards, It stopped making sense a long time ago. My towels won’t hold your bloody hands or scheming hearts There isn’t even respect for you, Just big hot air balloons, with our names, nothing else And even they get shut down, shot down, shh!” Underneath that is a white outlined box “I See Red Fanning the flames of scarcity, chased with a dose of hypocrisy I See Red Whilst you bathe in your eloquent cries citing complexities I See Red When I once again explain the pain Blank-faced, you pause, as you write your own blank cheques And get away with murder. Not again.” In the middle of the bottom of the page, next to the word “Capitalism” is a red outlined box containing the text  “I See Red, not Starmer Blues I See Red, not re-Colyleing or Dhesi blues I See Red, deep and dark dripping from our hearts in your hands I See Red Burning down the fortress of impossibility Of lives lost, stolen, broken, breaking in. The real thieves in sheeps clothings I See Red Rivers of us swirling round Enoch Dancing, laughing, crying, whaling, screaming, stunned Raging ghosts We return from the dead.“

Arti reacts & responds to themes in, & around, her life that are often hidden. Both playful & confrontational, she makes work with various mediums, from the found, leftover & the economical, often with engagement elements. An Activist or Artist? Or Neurospicy cultural elephant, stomping & scurrying between words & worlds. Arti acknowledges ‘the personal […]

Anna Landre

(she/her) Anna Landre is a wheelchair-using activist & researcher whose work spans the areas of disability studies, disability culture, humanitarianism, emergency response, community-building, and social care policy. Within these, she focuses on what she calls the disability law “implementation gap”, which is when good laws on paper fail to translate into better outcomes for disabled […]

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