what makes you who you are – Jogja/Indonesia 2019

Artist Caglar Kimyoncu explored the question “What Makes You Who You Are” in an interactive, transmedia exhibition at Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja (PSBK) in Yogyakarta. Incorporating video installation, augmented reality (AR), an online blog and related workshops, the project looked at identity, and how people defined themselves in relation to culture, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality and disability.

Negotiation between Madness & Sanity

A screaming person on a tableau made of 150 other people showing different ranges of emotions

This collective experiment in unleashing the most primitive and urgent, engaged directly with our right to let ourselves take refuge in screams and to capture the cathartic interruption in time with/in an audio/visual artistic formulation.

filmpro lates intro

filmpro lates September 2014 - december 2015 logo wratten in bold letters on a dark background

Between September 2014 and December 2015, every first Thursday of the month we turned our Hackney studio into a small digital art gallery, showcasing new, experimental work by artists we were working with.

filmpro lates June 2015: Define Me By Qila Gill

The event presented a body of work in film and moving image by Qila Gill. It was a call for interaction with the viewer, an open invitation to discuss the idea of the ‘correct’ label that can define the individual behind the art work.

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