I am a 21 year old BA Global Creative Industries student with a passion for community arts. I am a creative at heart and love all kinds of artistic expression, with my main practice being creative writing. You will often find me out in nature with a journal, guitar, and a bag full of arts supplies!

Image description
A vaguely rounded arrangement of organised chaos drawn in a carnal red ink. Sharp angles and curves, and hundreds of strange shapes interconnected and interposed like a block of complex machinery. An assortment of strange eyes camouflaged within the puzzle. A narrowed, suspicious eye looks over the top left corner, next to a thick, dripping substance. At the bottom right, a satellite signalling towards an unusual hourglass. A horseshoe magnet in the bottom left, jutting out at odd angles beneath what resembles a comb or a UFO, besides a host of arrows. Spikes, TV aerials, pendulums and symbols. Grid lines, arrows and measurement markers, motifs from scientific diagrams. Test tubes, archways, pipes and conveyor belts. Floating dots and day shapes, spare parts and geometric contraptions. Nothing is quite what it resembles.